Learn the basics of
Make up, Nails and Beauty
This module will help you master your make up skills and begin the building of your flawless make up application at a professional standard. It has been developed specifically to create a thorough foundation in make up with the basics of skin care, which can be used as a stepping stone to a career within the fastest paced industry in the world, as well as for those more interested in using the information, skills, and tools for purely personal reasons.

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Diploma in Make-up, Nails and Beauty
Diploma in Make-up, Nails and Beauty
1.Basics of Make-up Application
This lesson will introduce you to the world of eye make-up and give you the basics of any make-up application. This will enable you to develop and practice your blending skills, while allowing you to familiarise yourself with some of the make-up products available.
2.Make-up Tools and Brushes
Do you know the effect of using the right make up brushes and how it will change your make up design? Do you know that your make up application will change depending on your choice of natural or synthetic brushes? This lesson will explain the different types of make up brushes and tools, how to use them and how to care for them so that you get the longest lifespan out of your brush.
3.Foundation and Primer Application
In this lesson we will start focusing on the application of foundation and you will learn how to prepare your skin properly, as well as the difference between all of these popular products and be able to establish which will benefit your skin the most. By the end of this lesson, you should be able to apply primer and foundation to the skin.
4.Concealing, Highlighting and Contouring
What does the effect of light and dark have on your make up design? Using the principles of enhancing and minimising features using lighter and darker shades, this lesson will give you the confidence to highlight and contour your make up design flawlessly. We will also learn how to conceal conditions on the skin using colour correcting concealers, based on the principles of the colour wheel.
5.Eye Make-up Application
Ever heard the saying- eyes are the windows to the soul? Well, why not enhance that window with a beautiful make-up application? From our previous lessons, we understand how light and dark colours are used to create emphasis or recede features, and now we are going to put this to practice when applying make-up to the eyes.
6.Advanced Make-up
How has make up evolved over the years? Make up designs from the past are incorporated into our everyday make up applications, and even our advanced make up applications like the Smokey eyes, or cut creases. This lesson focuses on make up application for your next big event and gives you the considerations you should take into account.
7.Eyelash and Eyebrow Enhancements
Brows are the enhancing features on any face, and will always enhance the make up design. This lesson will focus on the enhancement that can do done to the brows and lashes, which could be temporary or permanent, like micro-micro-blading or enhancing the make up with the use of artificial lashes.
8.Skincare Basics
The appearance of the skin largely affects your make-up application. Learn all out your basic skin care routine and how to take care of the skin on a daily basis. By the end of the lesson, you will be able to differentiate between cleansers, toners and moisturisers and selecting the best possible products to take care of your skin.
Intermediate in Make-up, Nails and Beauty
Intermediate in Make-up, Nails and Beauty
1.Manicure basics
When people think of a nail service, they immediately think of a beautiful, manicured nail, or better yet, a beautiful set of gel or acrylic nail tips, but it is very important to understand and care for the basic nails when receiving these treatments. In lesson 1, we are going to look at the structure of the nail, followed by the basic tools needed to carry out a manicure. This lesson will introduce the manicure steps to you, with the different styles on paint, and finish off with the inclusion of nail art into your manicure service.
2.Pedicuring basics
Everyone loves a good foot soak, and massage, with the added treatment of beautifully painted nails, what more could you ask for? This lesson will give you the basic nail diseases that you should look out for on the nails, before continuing with a pedicure treatment, which could be done manually, or with the assistance of an electric file, which will speed up the treatment. At the end of this lesson, you will be well equipped with the knowledge and practical skill to perform the basics of both a manicure and pedicure treatment
3.Nail tip application
Do you suffer from the common nervous condition of biting the nails? Or do you love the look of long, beautiful nails? Have you ever had tips applied to the nails? Nail tips on their own are weak and will break easily, so they have to be added to an enhancement, like gel, acrylic or even a wrap. A great set of tips does wonders for the appearance of the hands of done correctly. But how do we do that? In this lesson, we are going to learn the application of a nail tip and how it is correctly blended into the natural nail, and then we are going to look at our first nail enhancement, nail wraps
4.Gel Nail Enhancements
A beautiful set of gel nails is a great option for someone looking to protect the natural nail, or someone that already suffers from fragile or brittle nails, to apply a layer of gel in order to prevent the breakage of the nails. Gels are easy to apply, and a great alternative to the older methods. In this lesson, we continue to build on your nail enhancement skills, by introducing gel applications to you, and how these are applied. The demo will consist of a paint on gel technique, one that is becoming more popular for at home application.
5.Acrylic Enhancements
In this lesson, we are going to look at the last nail enhancement, acrylics, and how these are created to form one of the hardest, most durable nail enhancement. I’m sure you have all walked by a nail salon and got that signature smell from miles away. This is acrylic, and although now being replaced with more odourless liquids, how does mixing a powder and liquid produce such a strong enhancement? We look into it in this lesson and focus on creating the perfect bead for easy application.
6.Hair removal
We have all at some time of our lives got frustrated with the amount of hair we find on our body’s- why do we as humans need body hair? Should we remove all our body hair or are there certain areas on the body that we should avoid hair removal? Do you know that there are different types or hair, and they all grow at different stages? This lesson will look into the structure of the hair and explain why at sometimes you may experience a really quick regrowth, and at others, it may take a longer time for the hair to return, after a wax or shave. This lesson will give you the confidence to perform your own removal techniques so no more at home waxing nightmares.
7.Body conditions
In this lesson, we breakdown cellulite, stretch marks and varicose veins. We will look at how these conditions are formed, how we can prevent them, and if you are experiencing any of these conditions, how we can treat them, with both at-home treatments and advanced treatments
In this lesson, we recap on some of the most common lifestyle factors that have an effect on the skin. This lesson incorporates actions that occur in our daily lives, like the diets we consume, the daily hygiene, and the effects of stressors and sleep on our skin, and how they prevent us from achieving that glow. We look at the considerations and adjustments we can make to help our skin deal with these.
Advanced in Make-up, Nails and Beauty
Advanced in Make-up, Nails and Beauty
1.Skin structure and function
The first lesson of this module will give you a basic understanding of the structure and function of the skin. This forms the foundation of understanding of some of the most common skincare concerns. You will be able to identify how the skin is made up, and what using the incorrect products on the skin can cause with regards to the pH of the skin and maintaining the ideal pH.
2.Advanced skincare
Learn all about advancing your skincare routine weekly by adding serums, exfoliation, and masking. This lesson will identify the different choices when it comes to using these products, and how to select them based on your skin type, explaining the importance of each step in your skincare routine.
3.SPF and sun safety
How great does it feel to see the sunshine every day, I love the feeling on a beautiful sunny day and the smell of fresh air, but are you aware of the damages the sun causes to the body? In this lesson Lets have a deeper look into our damage caused by the sun and how we can prevent it by discussing SPF, the types of SPF, how important it is, and what it protects against. By the end of this lesson, you will never be without a form of protection of your skin again.
Acne is a skin condition, which most of the population has struggled with at some point in their lives. In this lesson, we try and get to the root of the causes of acne and what daily triggers we could be exposed to that would bring on a breakout. We look at methods of treatment, based on over-the-counter ingredients and the medications that can be used to treat acne.
5.Men's skincare
How times have changed in the skincare and beauty industry, and with those changes, men have become more aware of skincare and have started adding a skincare routine to their daily lives. As the world continues to evolve, these trends are just going to continue. This lesson will introduce the basics of a man’s skincare routine, as well as a few common skin conditions that could be easily remedied. This lesson will help us spread the word on the importance of men taking care of their skin.
6.Cosmetic Ingredients
Ingredients added to formulations are constantly changing and being redeveloped, so it is always best to keep on top of the research and always conduct your own research if you are unsure of anything, so that you have the confidence to give people advice on the products they are using. This lesson will teach you the ingredients formulated to work together in products, and which you should avoid, and which are safe to use on the skin.
7.Natural Skin Care
This lesson will incorporate natural ingredients found in your everyday lives that can be incorporated into your skincare routines. With the way of the world, so many more people are headed to using natural or organic products, and in this lesson, we will distinguish the difference between the two, and why they are so great for the skin.
8.Hormonal skincare
In this lesson, we will focus on the effects that different hormones have on the skin, and what happens to the skin during the changes in hormone levels of the body like puberty, pregnancy and menopause, and the adjustments we should take to the skin during each of these times in our lives.
Proficient in Make-up, Nails and Beauty
Proficient in Make-up, Nails and Beauty
1.Basics of Massage
Massage has been used for centuries for its healing therapeutic benefits, and today, even more so. The pace of life, stress levels, and general anxiety have increased 10-fold over the years, and there will always be a place for massage in the treatment room. Our first lesson of module 4 is going to dive into the basics of massage, providing you with the knowledge on how to carry out the basic massage movements, and the benefits of including them into your daily application of skincare products.
2.Skin Conditions
The skin is one complex organ, that works tirelessly every day to protect us, so now and then it’s bound to have a slight moment, and a small disruption in normal functioning could cause a disease or disorder to occur on the skin. For the most part, as long as it is not contagious, it normally can be remedied with a few changes from our side. In this lesson, we are going to explore some of the most common skin conditions which can be experienced on the skin, and if they are treatable, and when you need to decide to seek medical advice.
3.Healthy Diet, Healthy Body
This lesson we are going to dive into nutrition to ensure we are feeling our bodies with the right substances, and while not only the right foods but also the portions that we consume are very important when using nutrition guidelines to bring about a healthy body. In this lesson, we are going to dissect the plate model, so you understand exactly how much of each type of food we should be consuming. We are going to include some fun healthy recipes, and most importantly some great eating habits you can include in your daily life for glowing skin.
4.Skin Disorders and Diseases
The skin is one amazing, complex organ, and due to the complexity of the body's largest organ, it is bound to encounter certain disorders. There are precautions you will need to take when working on the skin. Being able to correctly identify contagious disorders or diseases will be of utmost importance in protecting yourself and avoiding any cross-contamination. In this lesson, we will observe some of the most common skin disorders and diseases, and when medical intervention should be sought.
5.Introduction to Aromatherapy
How fascinating it is that the smallest of plants, petals, bark, or even the rinds of citrus peels can produce such powerful extracts and have the most remarkable effects on the systems of the body while instilling emotional, physiological and psychological effects on the mind. Plants are considered natures healers. This lesson is going to introduce you to the world of aromatherapy, and how to include it into your daily routines to enjoy the wonderful benefits these oils can offer.
6.Introduction to Reflexology
Our feet and hands are probably the hardest working structures on our bodies, and they are the window to the overall health of the body. Treatments can help to bring balance to the body, and it can also identify imbalances. In this lesson, we are going to define a reflexology treatment, along with the alternate treatment options, including the hands and the ears.
Most of us these days don’t have time for “me”. Me time is today's age is extremely important. This doesn’t mean you need to recluse away for weeks or months at a retreat- although that does sound heavenly, making small changes during the day, the week and the month can have drastic results. Failing to include self-care daily can leave you feeling frenzied, run-down, stressed and overwhelmed at the smallest tasks in life. In this lesson, we are going to look at the different types of stress, and then focus on some self-care techniques that can be included in a daily routine to help spend more time on you, and ultimately, reduce the effects of stress on the body.
8.The Business World
Our last lesson of this course is going to introduce the world of make-up, nails and beauty, and the different career options you could take. Have you thought about what the future holds now that you have a diploma from shaw academy? This lesson will give you the ins and outs of working in the industry, what your different options are when it comes to choosing a career path, and what you can expect from your different career choices.